PictXPrep™ Adds two menu items: one item with a submenu to the Utilities menu, and one to the Edit menu, and modifies the beahaviour of "Get Picture…" in the File Menu.
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ Utilities SubMenu
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ adds the following submenu to the Utilities menu:
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ Utilities Submenu
Update All Modified Pictures
This submenu is available only when a document is open, and there are modified pictures in the current spread . Choose "Update All Modified Pictures" to update all the modified pictures in the currently displayed spread.
Update Selected Pictures Only
When a document is open, andyou select one or more pictures, PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ checks if any of the selected pictures has been modified. If it finds modified pictures, this menu item becomes available. Choose "Update Selected Pictures Only" to update the modified pictures within the selected group of boxes.
Update Document Now!
This submenu is available when a document is open and it includes pictures that were modified. Choose "Update Document Now!" to update modified pictures in the entire document, including master pages.
Chhosing "Preferences" will display PictXPrep's preference dialog:
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ Preferences Dialog
To have PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ automatically update the modified pictures in a document, check "Auto Update Modified Pictures" and any or all of the following:
Check "When opening a document" to update all the modified pictures in the entire document, including master pages, when a document is opened.
Check "When saving a document" to update all the modified pictures in the entire document, including master pages, when a document is saved when you choose "Save", "Save as…", or "Collect for Output…" from the File menu.
Check "When printing a document" to update all the modified pictures in the entire document, including master pages, when a document is printed.
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ Edit SubMenu
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ adds the following submenu to the Edit menu:
PictXPrep‚Ñ¢ Edit Submenu
The "Select Modified Pictures in Current Page" is available when there are modified pictures in the current page. Choose "Select Modified Pictures in Current Page" to select all the modified pictures in tyhe current page.
The "Select Modified Pictures in Current Spread" is available when there are modified pictures in the current spread. Choose "Select Modified Pictures in Current Spread" to select all the modified pictures in tyhe current spread.
Get Picture
PictXPrep™ modifies the behaviour of the "Get Picture…" menu. When choosing
"Get Picture…" PictXPrep™ remember the attributes of the current picture in the box, and will apply these attributes to the newly placed picture, provided that the newly placed picture has the same name and type as the original picture.